Look familiar??

Did ya'll see the pic at the bottom of this blog where there i be standin in this very kitchen cooking on this very stove??
But look in this pic, the kitchen looks soooooooooooooooooo buch better and brighter and cheerful and look again to the very bottom of this site and see the not so attractive, tacky wallpapered kitchen in which we used to cook in. Ack! What a transformation eh? We ver all very excited this morning when the two starnger dudes came in to install the countertop, pics of which will be found on mum and Terry's site (aka 'the patons' blog) mum couldn't get over it. The fact that we have a working sink in the kitchen hasn't quite fully sunk in yet, I went to the bathroom down the hall to get water to boil for soup for lunch today at noon. Mum's done that too. But she's also been playing around with the tap settings and admireing the beautiful pipes under the sink, she even discovered the edge of the sink was rough enough to file her nails on. The counter top dudes were very much set on installing the countertop to the point that they bled on the wall and didn't even clean it up! We were also quite appauled to find that they had taken most of their garbage with them and left a mess of sawdust behind! No, we weren't actually appauled. Those are just really minor things we noticed when we inspected their awsome work. WE HAVE A COUNTER TOP!!!! YAY! WHoo HOOO!!! and all the children who dwell in the Paton Palace can heave a GREAT sigh of relief that we no longer have to see or wash another dish in the bathtub upstairs. YAY! Since it is in my opinion the most horrible and horribly out of place sinario EVER!!!!!
love ya'll!