Saturday, June 16, 2007

Tessa's poem that doesn't rhyme

(dictated by Tess, written by SarahH)
(YOu gotta read this with an English accent or it wont make sence) lol
There was a man
And a woman
Who kissed
And there was no spark
Although they could have sworn the felt something...
Maybe it was the cool breeze of the summer day
Maybe it was the chill of discustingNess running up their spine
The time was almost midnight
And the woman had to run back the the castle
In bare feet
If she did not return in time
Prince Charming would question her
And she couldn't lie to her beloved husband.
But the Blacksmith
Whom she had kissed
Chased after her
Back to the castle
Where there he saw the woman
Being hugged be Prince Charming
So he pulled out his dagger
And stabbs hisself in da heart
Fell to his knees
and the woman rushed to his side as he died.

As she wept
Prince Charming had a thought!
"I must cut off this blacksmith's head to save my kingdom, and more importantly, me!"
Prince Charming then cuts off the blacksmith dude's head.
The woman, in horror grabbs the dagger (from the blacksmith's corps) and stabbs Prince Charming thoughtlessly
AND THEN noticing what she had done,
She the withdrew the blade from her husband's heart and stabbs herself.
With no one there to cut off her head, she becomes a vampire
And the end of the kingdom is nigh.

THE END of my non-rhyming, depressing, nonsensical poem.
Sock! stupid sock you!
The end of your time being on my foot is nigh!
OH! Is this thing still on??
Is the writer still writing??!
Hey! Hey, oo write this -


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Great teamwork. Weird story. Maybe Tessa's name should really be Mrs. Shakespeare...

Tessa, are you sure Sarah ONLY wrote down what you said? Is Sarah rubbing off on you because I know how weird her stories can get!



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