Monday, July 09, 2007

The Window...

It's a window ok... you get it.
(Written by Michelle and SarahH)

Well, it looks like its been there a while. Michelle spotted it while her and Sarah were eating in the barn at a strange relative's place.

Strangely enuf, they're not sure exactly why they were eating in the barn. It's really rather spooky and it smells like machinery... And theres an odd looking cabinet becide an old fridge with the word "BONEY" written across it. Curious. Very Curious. Michelle and Sarah opened it, but there weren't any skeletons or treasure or anything that looked like it might belong to Napoleon in there.

But there were voices in the barn...
That only Michelle could here. They told her about a man (they called him the suicidal farmer) who hung himself from a green tractor. He is said to haunt the barn. When Michelle told Sarah, she didn't believe her.

But Sarah could here the barn creaking and the chain abover her head, which hung from the rafter, swayed as if something were on the end of it, even tho there was no wind inside the barn.

Even after hearing this, Sarah still did not believe Michelle about the voices.

Not even after the door to the mysterious cabinet slammed shut while they reached for one of the documents inside did Sarah believe Michelle. But then, after that happened, SarahH and Michelle stepped back one step, then two, then a ladder fell behind them and the tripped over it and fell.

And Michelle heard the voices again...
The voices told her to look closely at the window.

Strangely enough the window they had spotted earlier was the only window in the building. And it wasn't even IN the wall. It was more leaning against it the wall. They glanced in the window, but they didn't see anything until Michelle remembered that the voices had told her to look CLOSELY soo... Michelle stepped closer and squinted at her reflection in the window for a minute, then stepped back, frightful, and exclaimed, "OMG!" (which is like her favorite thing to say.)

To be continued...


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Ooooooooo.... I'm intrigued...



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