Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Retainer fits now. It didn't yesterday, but it does now. I'm so heppy! Aren't you all happy, cuz I'm happy!!

I mean how could you NOT be happy? that's just tooo wierd to comprehend.
I couldn't emagine NOT being happy. It'd be a sad time.
I know I havn't been the "model" happy person as of late, but it's not like I'm TRYING to be depressed. I just am sometimes. ONLY sometimes tho. NOT all the time. That's CRAZY!!
So yah, did i mention that my reatiner fits??
Ask my mom. I've been a total freek over it since I realized.
Today, after I got home from Art Club, I walked into the Dove office there and I said,
Well, it wasn't THAT dramatic, but I was trying to be nice about it.
They put me in the chair like 20 minutes later and all my problems were solved.
Quick and painless.
They shaved the retainer a bit, shaved my tooth a bit, shaved my retainer again and WALLA!
Did'n teven hurt. Took like 6 minutes.
They're soooo nice!
THEN I walked home and hung out with mum.
Make coffee and had christmas cake and easter bread.
lol. That sounds kinda intereasting.
It was really nice tho.
All my worries are done and over with!
And you prolly thought my head would explode.
That's a crazy thought.
You shouldn't think that. EVER!
I'm having fun. I hope you are too, and I'm not totally freeking you out.
I don't mean to freek you out.
Hey, my pirate name is: Mad Mary Cash!
I'll let you go.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Hey Mad Mary Cash! Get the rest of your crew to do their pirate names too.

Did you know my Lord of the Rings name is Bell Tussock?

At 1:49 PM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Now THAT'S a goodie!



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