Monday, September 25, 2006

I Survived!

So I jsut got back from the detist you know and my tooth
was successfully disected and filled with the 'inert' rubber substancey stuff
and they put cement around that and filling material over top of that, so my tooth is totally DEAD now! I was totally freeking out as you should already know from my last post.
And I got mum to hold my hand the whole time, although she didn't really want to watch.
She's the best mum ever! I'm glad she was there. She's so sweet. I know she never wants
to have a root canell ever now cuz she's totally freeked after watching mine, but I'm glad she was there. I don't know wut I woulda done.
I really needed her!
She's the best.
She said she felt kinda sick. And I was so freeked that I started crying.
but you know the x-rays looked worse than it really was and I got to look at all
the tools they used and they explained what they did with them and all that.
Most of the time I couldn't get over how I couldn't feel the left half of my nose.
but it went ok accept when they had to heat up the pokey thing and burn some
of the cement away. That wasn't pleasent. Neither was the needly part at the begining.
But NOW my worst fears have been realized - my retainer doesn't fit!!
Wut am I going to do people!!!
It's the worst thing that could ever happen! well, so far as my mouth situation goes.
I have only ever slept without my retainer ONCE since I got it and that was way over a year ago.
my second concern is that my teeth can move ALOT in one day.
How much could they move in a couple of weeks??
I REALLY don't wanna find out. REALLY REALLY not.
I'm like really having a worry attack or something.
Mum doesn't have any noodles...
I can feel my nose again! YAY!
well. I should prolly go.
I feel much better now.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Congratulations on your root canal. I too am a member of the Dead Tooth Club. When they filled your roots, did you smell the hot rubber stuff they melted and pushed into the rooty areas? I went to a specialist for mine because my roots were too flippin' long for a normal dentist. And I needed 4 shots of anesthesia to numb the area. So, I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say your nose was numb! My entire right side was numb almost to my eye. Even after I left the dentist, it kept getting numb-er and numb-er...

Can you drink coffee now without pain? Because you know, that's the most important thing about all this.

love ya sooooo much,

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

One more thing, my pirate name is.......

Iron Bess Kid

(go to if you haven't already)


At 3:18 PM, Blogger SarahH/Miss Molly Vampire said...

yah, I didn't notice today, this time when I drank coffee... but then I just took some pain killers.
idk how bad it is.
Did you see the exrays of the file in your tooth?? Isn't it just wierd? It looks like a big freeking tooth and a REALLY long file, but it's really not.
Love you too!! LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS!!
Hugs and kisses!


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