Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

These are my blog comments for art.

Graphic novel.
Did you use photos or drawings or both to create your graphic novel?I tried to use both photos and drawings in my graphic novel. But I ended up using mostly photos. How did you incorporate the psychology of font into your text?I tried to be consistant with the font. I know that in the past I have used too many fonts in projects and, this time i wanted to stay simple and avoid confusion. How did you consider communication of a clear storyline using anchor images and layout styles for each of the pages? I did consider the communication of a clear story line, unfortunately, in 5 pages, I was unable to show an entire story, it's unfortunate there isn't a class for just this project on it's own. That'd be sweet. Then we could write a real long graphic novel! anyway. I tried my best to establish the begining of my story which has to eventually end in 'to be continued' and I say eventually because I was unfortunately unable to complete the project. But I would really like to complete it in the future for my own amusement.How did you incorporate original ideas and creativity into your piece? I encorporated my originale ideas of drawings inthe title, first, second, and fourth page. I wasn't able to do my original idea of hand sketching all the backgrounds, however I was able to manipulate the photographs to make them look more like my drawing style. Describe what the most important elements and principles of design were in your work and how you used the power of the program.I used the power of the program to suck the colour out of the photographs and i used the 'posterise' filter to make some photographs appear less lifelike.

Installation art
What idea did you present? I presented my locker with verious relevent objects in it.
How did you communicate your idea in a site specific way? I created my idea in a specific way by taking examples of my life to demonstrate the life of an average teenager my age. I also stated my theory on the door.
What materials did you use? I used a variety of materials including school work, artwork, a magazine, a microphone, my starbucks mugs, the josh box, and many maganets I have made myself.
Did the audience understand what you were communicating? I think generally the audience was very keen on what I was trying to comunicate. They even caught some of the themes within the theme.
How would you improve your installation if given the opportunity? No I wouldn't improve on this project given the opportunity. I think it turned out awsome. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Post Secondary in Media Art
Niall Collins
What did Niall have to say about the professors, assignments and lifestyle at Sheridan College? Niall said that professures expected alot, assignments were expected to be completed on his own mac computer, all assingments have to be Mac compatable. Lifestly is enjoyable, but also revolves alot around assinments.
What program is he taking and what aespects of the program is he most interested in? Niall was taking a programme more related to the graphic design and animation end of things. How do people get hired by companies like Pixar right from the college? There are scouts from Pixar who come and hire all the graduates at the end of the year.
What Photoshop tools did Niall review / teach you? Nial showed us how to play with the fonts, how to use the masking...
What did Niall say about copyright issues at the college/university level? Nial said that copyright was a BIG issue and that it's miportant not to copy, imitate or do anything remotely like what's already been done. Everything must be original.
What are your impressions of Sheridan College? My impression of sheridan college is that it's a fun place where you get to do fun things for the sake of learning and creating.
Rebecca Zimmer
What did Rebecca say about the professors, assignments and lifestyle at the Ontario College of Art and Design? Rebecca said that the professors were demanding, the assignments were enjoyable, but her lifestyle revolves around her school work.
What program is she taking and what degrees did she already have going in? Rebecca is taking a programe related to the visual art design area of things.
Describe Rebecca's style of art or themes. Rebecca's style, i think is communicate what she sees the way that she sees it. Her work isn't busy or overwhelming.
What did Rebecca say about copyright issues at the college/university level? Rebecca said that copyright was a big issue and it's very important ot use your own work.
What are your impressions of The Ontario College of Art and Design? The Ontario college of Art and Design sounded like a good schoool . Formal, proper education, more geared towards the physical drawing and painting of things. Likely a fun atmosphere. and a good learning environment.

Saturday, January 13, 2007
